Advance Directive
A broad legal document that outlines an individual’s healthcare preferences should they become unable to communicate their wishes. The living will is an example of an advance directive.
Read moreAdvance Healthcare Directive
A specific type of advance directive detailing the types of medical treatments and life-sustaining measures a person wants or does not want.
Read moreLast Will
A legal document describing how a person’s assets and estate should be distributed after death. Also called Testament.
Read moreTestament
A legal document describing how a person’s assets and estate should be distributed after death. Also called Last Will.
Read moreLiving Will
A document that provides guidance on medical treatments in end-of-life situations, typically focusing on life support and other interventions.
Read morePower of Attorney (POA)
A legal authorization allowing one person (the agent) to act on another person’s (the principal’s) behalf in financial or legal matters.
Read moreHealthcare Proxy
A person named to make medical decisions on someone else’s behalf if the person is unable to communicate.
Read moreHealthcare Surrogate
Similar to a healthcare proxy, this individual is legally designated to make healthcare decisions for an incapacitated patient.
Read moreExecutor
The person named in a will who carries out the directives of the will, ensuring debts are paid and assets are distributed properly.
Read moreEstate Administration
The process of managing and distributing a deceased person’s assets, settling debts, and filing necessary tax returns.
Read moreBeneficiary
An individual or entity designated to receive assets or benefits from wills, trusts, insurance policies, or retirement accounts.
Read moreTrust
A legal arrangement where one party (the trustee) holds and manages assets for the benefit of another (the beneficiary).
Read moreRevocable Trust
A trust that can be altered or dissolved by the creator (grantor) at any time during their lifetime.
Read moreIrrevocable Trust
A trust that generally cannot be changed or revoked once it is established, offering potential tax or asset protection benefits.
Read moreTestamentary Trust
A trust created through the provisions of a will and activated upon the death of the person who wrote the will.
Read moreLiving Trust
A trust set up during a person’s lifetime to manage assets and potentially avoid probate.
Read moreProbate
The legal process of validating a will, settling debts, and distributing assets to beneficiaries.
Read moreIntestate
Dying without having made a valid will, which results in the state determining how assets are distributed.
Read moreEstate Tax
A tax on the transfer of assets from a deceased person’s estate to their beneficiaries.
Read moreInheritance Tax
A tax that some states impose on individuals who inherit assets from a deceased person.
Read moreDigital Assets
Online or electronic assets such as social media accounts, emails, domain names, and digital currencies.
Read moreDigital Estate
The total sum of a person’s digital assets and online presence that may need management or transfer after death.
Read moreFuneral Insurance
A type of insurance policy designed to cover funeral and burial costs.
Read moreLife Insurance
An insurance policy paying a lump sum to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death.
Read morePrepaid Funeral Plan
An arrangement allowing individuals to pay in advance for funeral services and products, locking in current prices.
Read moreBurial Plot
A specific area of land in a cemetery where a person is laid to rest.
Read moreHeadstone
A marker typically placed at the head of a grave, engraved with details such as name, birth date, and death date.
Read moreCasket
A container used to hold the body of the deceased for burial or cremation.
Read moreCremation
The process of reducing a body to ashes through intense heat, often chosen as an alternative to traditional burial.
A container designed to hold cremated remains (ashes) of the deceased.
Read moreMausoleum
An above-ground structure or building within a cemetery that holds the remains of one or more individuals.
Read moreColumbarium
A structure with niches designed to store urns holding cremated remains.
Read moreInterment
The act of placing a body or ashes into the final resting place, whether a grave, niche, or mausoleum.
Read moreInurnment
The specific act of placing cremated remains into an urn or a niche.
Read moreGreen Burial
An eco-friendly approach to burial that avoids embalming chemicals and sometimes uses biodegradable caskets or shrouds.
Read moreMemorial Service
A ceremony held in honor of a deceased person, which may take place with or without the remains present.
Read moreCelebration of Life
A more uplifting event or service that focuses on remembering a loved one’s life achievements and personal stories.
Read moreVigil
A gathering held in the presence of a deceased individual’s body or close to the time of death, often including prayers or reflections.
Read moreEulogy
A speech or written tribute delivered at a funeral or memorial service, celebrating the life of the deceased.
Read moreObituary
A published notice of a person’s death, often including a brief biography and details about funeral or memorial services.
Read moreCondolences
Expressions of sympathy offered to someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Read moreGrief Counseling
Professional support designed to help individuals cope with and process feelings of loss and bereavement.
Read moreBereavement Leave
Time off from work granted to an employee after the death of a family member or close loved one.
Read moreHospice Care
A program or facility providing specialized care for terminally ill patients, focusing on comfort rather than curative treatments.
Read morePalliative Care
Medical care that focuses on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life for patients with serious illnesses.
Read moreTerminal Illness
An illness deemed incurable and expected to result in a person’s death within a certain period.
Read moreDeath Certificate
An official document issued by a government authority stating the date, location, and cause of a person’s death.
Read moreSurviving Spouse
The legal husband, wife, or partner of someone who has died, often with special inheritance or property rights.
Read moreNext of Kin
The closest living relative(s) to a deceased individual, often with certain legal rights and responsibilities.
Read moreGuardian
A person legally appointed to care for a minor child or adult who cannot manage their own affairs.
Read moreHealthcare Agent
An individual designated in legal documents to make medical decisions on behalf of another person.
Read moreMedical Power of Attorney
A legal form giving someone the authority to make healthcare decisions for another if they become incapacitated. Also called Power of Attorney
Read morePhysician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Medical orders that specify the types of life-sustaining treatments a seriously ill patient wants or does not want.
Read moreOrgan Donation
The act of giving one’s organs or tissues after death for transplant or medical research.
Read moreAnatomical Gift
A broader term encompassing organ, tissue, or body donation for medical purposes or scientific research.
Read moreDisinheritance
The intentional act of excluding someone (usually a potential heir) from receiving assets in a will.
Read moreResiduary Estate
The portion of an estate remaining after all debts, expenses, taxes, and specific bequests have been fulfilled.
Read moreWill Contest
A legal challenge to the validity of a will, typically raised by parties who feel they were unfairly treated.
Read moreEstate Freeze
A strategy used to minimize or defer taxes on the future growth of assets intended for beneficiaries.
Read moreTrustee
The person or institution responsible for managing the assets held in a trust on behalf of the beneficiaries.
Read moreSettlor (Grantor)
The individual who creates and funds a trust, transferring assets into it.
Read moreRemainderman
The beneficiary entitled to receive trust assets after the interests of any prior beneficiaries end.
Read moreNon-Probate Assets
Assets that pass directly to a beneficiary outside of the probate process (e.g., life insurance, certain retirement accounts).
Read moreCharitable Bequest
A provision in a will or trust designating that certain assets be given to a charity.
Read moreSurvivorship
The right of a surviving co-owner of property to automatically inherit the entire property upon the other owner’s death.
Read moreFuneral Mass
A religious service held in some faith traditions to honor and pray for the deceased, often including Holy Communion.
Read moreObsequies
Formal or ritualized funeral ceremonies or rites.
Read moreMortician (Funeral Director)
A professional who prepares the deceased for burial or cremation and arranges funerals or memorial services.
Read moreEmbalming
A process that uses chemicals to preserve the body and delay decomposition for viewing and funeral services.
Read moreViewing (Wake)
A time set aside for family and friends to pay their respects and often see the deceased in an open casket.
Read moreCommittal Service
A brief ceremony held at the graveside or place of interment following a funeral or memorial.
Read moreEstate Sale
An organized sale of possessions from someone’s estate, typically after they move or pass away.
Read moreGuardian ad Litem
A court-appointed individual who represents the best interests of minors or incapacitated adults during legal proceedings.
Read moreStatement of Wishes
Informal guidance expressing how someone wants their personal effects handled or distributed, without strict legal enforceability.
Read moreEthical Will
A document that conveys personal values, life lessons, and hopes for future generations, rather than distributing assets.
Read moreLegacy Letter
A personal letter written to loved ones to pass on wisdom, life stories, and emotional support. In your Meolea dashboard, you find these under “goodbye letters“.
Read moreEstate Planning
The process of arranging for the management and disposal of one’s estate during life and after death.
Read moreLegacy Management
The systematic approach to ensuring personal, financial, and digital legacies are preserved and passed on.
Read morePre-Need Planning
The practice of making funeral or burial arrangements in advance, including selection of services, casket, or plot.
Read moreGrief Therapy
Specialized counseling or therapeutic approaches focused on helping individuals navigate the emotional aftermath of loss.
Read moreHealth Care Agent
Another term for a healthcare proxy or surrogate—someone authorized to make medical decisions on behalf of another.
Read moreDigital Legacy
The online presence, data, and digital property one leaves behind for others to manage or inherit.
Read moreFuneral Celebrant
A non-denominational officiant who designs and conducts personalized funeral or memorial ceremonies.
Read moreMemorial Donation
A charitable contribution made in the name of someone who has died, often requested in lieu of flowers.
Read moreVirtual Memorial
An online tribute or space where friends and family can share memories, photos, and messages about the deceased.
Read moreNext-of-Kin Affidavit
A legal statement verifying someone’s status as the closest living relative to a decedent, usually needed for certain estate tasks.
Read moreGuardian of Minor
A legally appointed adult responsible for the care and upbringing of a child who has lost one or both parents.
Read moreFuneral Director’s Statement
A document often needed for insurance or legal purposes, detailing funeral expenses and services performed.
Read moreMemorial Fund
A fund set up in honor of someone who has died, often to support a cause they cared about.
Read moreProbate Court
The judicial authority that oversees the probate process, ensuring wills are valid and estates are distributed properly.
Read moreEstate Bond
A type of insurance or surety bond required in some jurisdictions to protect beneficiaries from any misconduct by an executor.
Read moreDisposal of Remains
The chosen method for dealing with a body after death, including burial, cremation, or other means.
Read morePaying Respects
The act of honoring the deceased’s memory through a visit, a service, or by sharing sympathies with loved ones.
Read moreGraveside Service
A funeral or memorial ceremony conducted at the site of interment, often with final prayers or eulogies.
Read moreRepatriation of Remains
The process of transporting a person’s body or ashes back to their home country after death occurs abroad.
Read moreHealth Care Directive
A broader term encompassing documents like living wills and healthcare proxies, laying out medical care instructions.
Read moreIrrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)
A trust holding life insurance policies, designed to remove the proceeds from the taxable estate of the insured.
Read moreFuneral Rite
A ceremonial act or set of rituals performed in various cultures or religions to honor and remember the deceased.
Read moreCompassionate Care
Care focused on emotional support, comfort, and empathy for patients facing serious illness or end-of-life situations.
Read moreFinancial Power of Attorney
A specific POA document granting authority to handle financial transactions and manage assets on behalf of someone else.
Read moreWill Registry
A secure database where individuals can store information about where their will (or other important documents) is located, ensuring it can be easily found after death.
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